Rates & Estates
Service Solutions



Rates and Estates Service Solutions

peace of mind so you can focus on your priorities

Welcome to RAESS, your gateway to exceptional service and unparalleled solutions.

We pride ourselves on delivering excellence across a wide spectrum of services to meet your needs.

Whether you’re an individual seeking assistance or, whether you’re a law firm, real estate agency, a buyer, seller… we are here to make dealing with municipal bodies a painless experience when it comes to rates, utilities, estates, connection and disconnection of services.


tired of dealing with municiple bodies?

let us take the ? out of your paperwork

we make it painless for you

rates & estates


connection & disconnection

About R.A.E.S.S

Our commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of our work, from customer service to the final outcome. With a team of highly skilled professionals, we are dedicated to delivering results that exceed your expectations.

Termination of Municipal Accounts

Opening of Municipal Accounts

Application for a Refund

Estate Late Services

Rates Clearance Certificates

Who we work with

We work with estate agents, law firms, and people buying and selling property to ensure that their municipal service needs are met. We understand that your time is valuable, so we offer convenient and efficient services.

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